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Call or email your prayer requests, praises & sympathies to the church office to share them in the bulletin.  Prayer requests and praises may also be written on the Connection Card at your pews and handed in at the Welcome Center or Offering Kiosks. We have a group who faithfully prays for requests each week.

  • Maple Grove Leadership Team & Lay Ministers.

  • Our Country’s Leaders- For God’s wisdom & direction to be with them.

  • Middle East Conflict- For peace & God’s protection against the violence.

  • Maple Grove Preschool- That God would provide for their staffing needs.

  • Ernie L - Recovering from stroke.

  • H/S Family - Mourning the passing of father.

  • Mike & Stephanie W- Dealing with multiple health struggles.




​Bridge of Hope
Cornerstone Reproductive Health 

Eastern Mennonite Missions
Maple Grove Preschool
Parkesburg Point
PCCO (Parkesburg Churches Community Outreach)
Southern Chester County Young Life
Welsh Mountain Home


Nathan & Laurel - World Team in Africa

Garry & Ruth - EMM

David & Dawnell - Commission to Every Nation in Mexico

Kandace - EMM in Cambodia

William - EMM Teaching Missionary

Mike & Sharyn - Powered to Move in Texas

Randal - Modern Day in Italy

Dale & Kathy - YWAM Virginia & Chile

Omar & Family - Word of Life Thailand

Jon & Amanda - CRU West Chester University 

Randy & Melanie - Reach Beyond in Mexico

Mentor & Erinda - Eurasia Partners in Albania



If you had a page in the directory before or requested a new one, you will find a proof of that page in your church mailbox that you can approve or make changes to.  If you would like to be included in our directory, please pick up a form or scan the QR code at the Welcome Center.  Please have all requests and/or changes either returned to Laura R's church mailbox or emailed by Sunday, July 28.


On July 21, we will be collecting canned soup, canned fruit, and all kinds of crackers for the Octorara Food Cupboard. Please bring your food items to the church at 10:00am.


Everyone is welcome to join us for our Sunday School electives this summer at 9:00am! These electives include: 1st Peter Untangled - led by Chuck W, The Invisible War - led by Rhonda S/Tim F, Stories from the Field - led by various missionaries and non profits, Intentional Parenting - a Video Series and discussion time. The Jr. Youth will be reviewing the Mennonite Confession of Faith.


On July 14, The Stories From The Field Sunday School elective will be hearing from Powered to Move.


Pease pray for safety for our youth and their leaders as they are going to NY for the ENGAGE youth conference June 15-19! Pray for spiritual growth and encouragement to take place.


There are three more weeks to collect school back packs for the PCCO to be distributed through the Parkesburg Point on August 4. The back packs need to have a side pocket for a water bottle. The items that need to be included; water bottle, pencils, pens, highlighters, one subject notebooks, 2 oz hand sanitizer, and colored pencils. Please have your back packs at the church by Sunday, July 28.


If you are interested in exploring baptism or in becoming a member of Maple Grove, please see Pastor Mike. A Baptism service is planned fo September 8.


The Maple Grove Library has new books available! These books are devotionals, fiction, and non-fiction! Feel free to take one or more of the new books home with you to enjoy, they will not have due dates or need to be returned to Maple Grove, so pass it along to a friend! This new section of the library is labeled with a blue tag. Come check out the church library located behind the Welcome Center! 


​​Sunday morning childcare facilities with live service streaming are available and located in ROOM 106, which is an unstaffed crib nursery for infants to 1 yr. olds located at the back of the sanctuary, and Room 102 off foyer a nursery with child care for (ages 1-3)

If you need to switch your schedule, please call someone else on the childcare schedule you were given.

Call the office @ 610-593-6658 to update the schedule.

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(610) 593-6658 |  549 Swan Road, Atglen, PA 19310  |

© 2023 Maple Grove Mennonite Church

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